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Grid item

Perfect for lookbooks and editorial photography

Grid item

Perfect for lookbooks and editorial photography

Grid item

Perfect for lookbooks and editorial photography

Grid item

Perfect for lookbooks and editorial photography

Grid item

Perfect for lookbooks and editorial photography

Welche Karten sind die richtigen für mich?

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Coaching Professionals

BedürfnisBox – Das praktische Workshop-Tool für die freie Arbeit mit Bedürfnissen. Für Coaching Professionals und alle, die Bedürfnisse als Grundlage für unser Fühlen, Denken und Handeln erforschen wollen.

Zur BedürfnisBox. // Auch enthalten in: Coaches' ToolBox, "Einmal Alles".

moderne Softwareentwicklung

CodingCards. Wie gute Software entsteht. – Das perfekte Tool für professionelle Softwareentwickler/innen. Trainiere jeden Tag einen anderen Skill und verinnerliche die Prinzipien moderner Softwareentwicklung.

Zu den CodingCards // Auch enthalten in: "Einmal Alles".

Workshops & Seminare

Connect & Go – Inspirierende Impulse für jede Abschlussrunde. Für alle, die die Lernerfahrung in ihren Workshops und Seminaren nachhaltig, kreativ und abwechslungsreich gestalten wollen.

Zu Connect & Go. // Auch enthalten in: Workshop Basics / "Einmal Alles".


GedankenSpiel – Raus aus alten Denkmustern, rein in neue Möglichkeiten! Spielerisches Reflexions-Tool für die persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung. Schneller Deep-Dive – allein, zu zweit oder in der Gruppe.

Coaching Professionals




GetUp! – lorem ipsum

Use this text area to share information about your brand with your customers.


Gute Idee – lorem ipsum

Use this text area to share information about your brand with your customers.

Projektmanagement / Teamentwicklung

KickOff – XXX

Use this text area to share information about your brand with your customers.


Kreativer Markenworkshop – lorem ipsum

Use this text area to share information about your brand with your customers.


MindSet – lorem ipsum

Use this text area to share information about your brand with your customers.


MindShift – lorem ipsum

Use this text area to share information about your brand with your customers.


PassionFinder – lorem ipsum

Use this text area to share information about your brand with your customers.


Perfekter Tag – lorem ipsum

Use this text area to share information about your brand with your customers.


PerspektivWechsel – lorem ipsum

Use this text area to share information about your brand with your customers.


Reflect & Grow – lorem ipsum

Use this text area to share information about your brand with your customers.

Coaching Professionals

StärkenBox – lorem ipsum

Use this text area to share information about your brand with your customers.


TeamTalk – lorem ipsum

Use this text area to share information about your brand with your customers.

Workshops & Seminare / Teamentwicklung

TeamUp! – lorem ipsum

Use this text area to share information about your brand with your customers.

Workshops & Seminare

WarmUp! – lorem ipsum

Use this text area to share information about your brand with your customers.

Coaching Professionals

WerteBox – lorem ipsum

Use this text area to share information about your brand with your customers.

“Absolutely unparalleled products and service. I'm confident that this store will be the next big thing in its industry, and that its products will be timeless.”

– Steve Jordans

“Absolutely unparalleled products and service. I'm confident that this store will be the next big thing in its industry, and that its products will be timeless.”

– Steve Jordans